Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Studio Tore!

Funny Swedish show on Kanal5 "Sverige Dansar Och Ler" (eng. Sweden is dancing and smiling) consists of various clips/shows directed by Swedish comedians that are sometimes funny sometimes not so funny.

Anyway, one of the best shows is hosted by Tore, "famous" from FC-Z where a bunch of geeks were supposed to form a soccerteam and play against girlteams and similar teams from the nordic countries. He's quite a character this guy and togeher with sidekick and "expert" Margareta Olweus he brings up and straighten out the questionmarks in matters on going out, dining, partying and other things in everyones social lifes.

Notice the decoration, lightning, script, bystanders and most of all the camera man's extremely professionall way of handling his task. Fantastic!

"Studio Tore" is directed by Felix Herngren and the clip is also available here.

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